12 January 2006

Time to go...to Pluto.


For those of you who have wondered what I've been up to since I started at APL, the moment, as they say, is at hand. The launch is currently slated for Tuesday, 1/17 at 1:24 pm EST. Unfortunately, I won't be down there to watch it go up, as I'll be on station here at the Mission Operations Center at APL.

If you want to see the rocket go up, and it should be quite a sight, it will be broadcast on CNN; although I imagine they'll cut in at close to the last minute. You can also watch on NASA TV, if you get that, or on the web at:


I recommend Channel 3, with the 5-way split screen. That's what I'll be watching. You can also follow along with mission updates as the clock counts down at:


Velocity after Jupiter Gravity Assist: 47,000 mph

Fastest. Spacecraft. Ever.

You can also watch the show Passport to Pluto on NASA TV and Discovery Science Network, starting this weekend.



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